Tom Arno, a retired cardiologist, and his wife Barb moved to South Carolina in the nick of time. When they arrived in the Lowcountry, it was already snowing in their former hometown of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and, although a cold snap swept through the South during their first week in their new home, they are in love with the weather and with Mount Pleasant, their new hometown.
Barb Arno explained that she had actually purchased a lot in New Bern, North Carolina, in preparation for their retirement. She and Tom had discussed moving South but wanted to go no further than North Carolina. Still, there was a feeling that New Bern, nice as it was, was not quite the right place.She said as much to her sister, who lives in Charleston. Her sister was quick to reply with “I can see you living in Mount Pleasant.”
Barb immediately went back online, searching for information about Hamlin Plantation, one of Mount Pleasant’s newest neighborhoods, and came across one of Jane Miller’s websites,
“I saw Jane’s picture with her dogs,” Barb said, adding that, as the owners of three dogs themselves, she felt an immediate bond with another dog lover.
“I sent them some material about Charleston and Mount Pleasant, along with a relocation package that included copies of Carolina Homes & Interiors and East Cooper Newcomers,” Jane said.
That correspondence inspired the Arnos to visit the Charleston area in the spring. The fact that Jane is also married to a retired physician, along with their love of dogs, helped seal the relationship.
“We came to Mount Pleasant in April, and, as we were crossing the bridge, my husband said, ‘I love it here’,” Barb said. “The house I’d been tracking was in Hamlin Plantation, but it was already sold.”
Jane showed them several homes, some in Hamlin Plantation as well as a few in Rivertowne. One of those, a new home on Rivertowne Country Club Drive, proved to be the right house for the Arnos. They loved the plantation styling, with the large garage on the ground floor and two elevated floors above. The yard is large enough for the Arnos’ three dogs, which include two golden retrievers and a mixed breed.
“It had to be big enough for our dogs,” Barb said. “We needed a good-sized backyard. And we love the wooded area behind our house.”
The Arnos also needed a nearby stable for their two horses and were lucky enough to find Oakfield Farms in Huger, just a short drive away. Jane was able to help put it all together.
“Jane was wonderful,” Barb said. “She led us every step of the way, through the financing and flood insurance.”
The Arnos love everything about their new home and about Mount Pleasant. They are delighted to have grocery stores and shopping centers nearby, as well as scores of excellent restaurants. They love the friendly neighbors and the abundant sunshine and are glad to be far from the bitter cold of the “lake-effect snow and lake-effect wind.”
Although the house in Rivertowne is smaller and less formal than their former home, they “loved it immediately.” Barb explained that Tom wanted to downsize; their new home is a comfortable 4,200 square feet. It has a spacious, open living area and plenty of room for Tom’s studio and weather station. Although he is retired from medicine, he keeps busy with his radio shows. Through the wonders of modern technology, he is a radio personality for a station in Meadville and also works a shift for stations in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. In addition to playing classic rock, he also has a talk show and is a meteorologist for six stations.
What does the future hold for the Arnos? They look forward to exploring the Lowcountry. Tom is considering eventually teaching at the Medical University of South Carolina. But for now, he is content to soak up the sun while he continues broadcasting to those who live in colder climates.
Jane Miller is a real estate agent with Carolina One Real Estate in Charleston, South Carolina. Media Services developed, markets and manages her websites, and For more information regarding generating leads on the Internet and marketing call (800) 433-7396 or e-mail [email protected].